Pooch Page Archive ~ 2016
Yes, Rich Man Poor Man is a pet-friendly store. We love 'em! And you are welcome to bring your leashed best friend on your shopping experience in our store.
Here is a gallery of some of the pets who visited Rich Man Poor Man Antiques in 2016. Enjoy!
Looking very well cared for and up from Long Beach, 5 year old Nitendo paid a visit to Rich Man Poor Man Antiques! The amazing thing we find is that all of these wonderful shopping puppies have their individual story. In this case, Nitendo's original human family came upon circumstances where they could no longer keep a dog. So, some loving neighbors stepped up to give Nitendo a warm home. Looks like it was a win-win! |
So you've never seen a Long-Haired Chihuahua-Terrier Mix that needs to wear rose-colored glasses?? For Koa, this is no joke. We're talking light sensitivity issues that may have resulted earlier in life before being rescued after being abandoned in a field! Today, Koa is a registered Service Dog who's about 4-5 years old and much loved by her humans! Thanks for coming by, Koa! |
Down from the Bay Area came this special shopper... a Red Golden Retriever that loved the name Cooper. In fact, he loved just about everything and everyone in the store! A little over six years old, here's a puppy shopper who was ready to say "Hi" to us all! Talk about low key, but friendly and ready for some fun, Cooper was it! Come see us again, Cooper! |
This beautiful Great Dane has to take the prize as the LARGEST puppy shopper we've ever had in the store! Harlequin colored Great Danes are not that common, York told us. He was over from the Valley on a day trip with his humans. Born in 2009, he experienced some heart disease early in his life, but was nursed back to health by a very determined and loving owner. York left telling us... "...it's a great life!" |
Now these guys get along pretty well, they told us. Nova, the mostly white Shiatsu-Poodle mix in the back of the photo, is getting close to 2 years old and was a rescue. We love it when humans do that! Pinot is from the other side of the planet and is a unique Mini Australian Sheppard that's about the same age as Nova. Their humans brought them down from the Bay Area on a day-trip and made the comment that Pinot was an "expensive little puppy!" That was out of Pinot's ear-shot, of course. |
Sometimes it's just really scary when you're so small. At least, that's what Izzy told us when she visited the store. Even when you are a 5 year old adult Chihuahua, there are times when that's not enough! But it does help when your human brings you in from Walnut Creek for some fun and tells everyone... "I just had to have her!" Now, that's comforting. |
So, up from Southern California comes this really adorable Cavalier King Charles (Black & Tan), who's 6 years old. Now, that means it's still "play time"... however, enough maturity has been gained to show a degree of confidence and the knowledge of when it's a good time to relax and just "take it all in"! Thanks for coming in, Lexi. See you again! |